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 Of the I [*]

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Nombre de messages : 12008
Age : 36

Of the I [*] Empty
MessageSujet: Of the I [*]   Of the I [*] Icon_minitimeSam 23 Jan 2010 - 21:14

Of the I [*] L_a4e210

Of the I [*] 1.0

Of the I est un groupe de metal prog anglais, créé par des étudiants (en psycho et socio): Jordan Davis - (Voix, Piano, Synthés), Nico Lowell - (Basse), Sebastian Danielsson - (Guitare), Roman "Pach" Pawar - (Guitare), Alexander Boethius- (batterie).

Of the I [*] L_962410

Sur leur site officiel: Site Officiel ici (en anglais)

Citation :
They worked to find a way of expressing their ideas in calculated pressure waves. These were released freely, as ones and zeros, to a hungry hoard of Demonoiders, who promptly consumed 12,000 copies.
The band, inspired, locked themselves away and plotted their first album while cutting their teeth on the London live scene.
With every song carefully crafted and rehearsed, Of The I gathered their savings and entered a North-London studio, where the entire album was recorded in 10 days and nights. Cramped in a tiny room, huge guitar and bass amps in separate closets, the band played their songs live to capture the full dynamic Of The I, giving the album a real sense of warmth.
The concept of self-awareness appears in various guises throughout the hour-long journey that is ‘Balance Instars’. The sound of the record is progressive, driven, and intense, yet finds release in organic, visceral passages. The band’s endeavour to envelop listeners in their distinctive atmosphere is not only the beating heart of the album, it is characteristic of their intoxicating live performances.

Ils sortent Demoinoid EP en 2007, leur premier album composé de quatre morceaux, disponible avant tout sur les plateformes de téléchargement gratuit ( comme ICI sur Jamendo ). Ils sortent par la suite Balance Instars en 2008.

Of the I [*] 21670687



Stopping the World:

Myspace ici, avec leur morceaux en écoute libre! cheers

Je viens tout juste de découvrir ça par hasard en visitant Jamendo. Et ouais, je voulais du sang neuf, et je suis tombée sur eux, et franchement je kiffe. C'est simple, aerien, et éfficace. Franchement, n'hésitez pas a aller voir leur myspace, parce que c'est ûber cool! cheers
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